Reishi liquid is the medicinal extract found in the Ganoderma (also known as Reishi) mushroom. Known as "spirit medicine," Reishi liquid has been used in Chinese medicine for 4,000 years. It is one of the rarest and most respected mushrooms used in medicine. Due to its scarce existence, Reishi liquid (deriving from the Ganoderma or Reishi mushroom) was once very expensive and rarely available. Due to the advancements of indoor growing, this miraculous herb continues to thrive under the close supervision of greenhouse settings. Reishi liquid, though nearly impossible to find at one time, is now both affordable and accessible to many. DXN, a company who distributes Gano (or Reishi) coffee, is said to have the worlds largest organic Ganoderma plantation.
Reishi liquid is used to treat a wide range of illnesses, including coronary disorders, allergies, allergic reactions, lung and liver disorders, HIV/AIDS, stress and cancer. Many patients, who have been diagnosed with cancer, look to Reishi liquid for its ability to lessen the discomfort of chemotherapy treatments. In fact, Reishi liquid is thought to have the ability to prevent the reoccurrence of cancer due to its ability to strengthen the immune system. When functioning properly, the immune system is designed to detect and fight against harmful viruses and other infections before they cause damage to the body. For this reason, many people begin a treatment regimen involving Reishi liquid as a preventative method to avoid future illnesses.
Individuals who suffer from stress related symptoms, including fatigue, loss of concentration and sleep deprivation may consider Reishi liquid as it promotes an overall improvement in mental health while lessening the effects of stress.
Reishi liquid is one of the main ingredients in Gano Cafe, which is a coffee that combines Ganoderma (also known as Reishi) mushroom extract and Brazilian roasted coffee beans. The absence of side effects combined with a natural healing ability have enabled this coffee to be mentioned as "The Worlds 1st Healthy Coffee." Reishi liquid has also shown to provide comfort for allergy sufferers and allergic reactions. Cosmetically, Reishi liquid may benefit those who wish to have improvements in skin tone, reduction in acne, fine lines and age spots.
Any persons who decide to begin a treatment involving Reishi liquid should expect to experience some type of reaction, which may appear within a few days or months following the onset of treatment. This article should, in no way, be considered as medical advice or instructions. A licensed medical doctor should be consulted before beginning any new treatment regimen, including that which consists of Reishi liquid.