Spirulina has been consumed as a food for centuries, with ancient cultures in South America and Africa using spirulina for its amazing therapeutic properties and dense nutrient content. Recently spirulina has been termed the richest, most nutritious super food known to man and a September 2005 issue of AARP Magazine listed spirulina as the number one food to add years to your life.
Spirulina is arguably nature’s most powerful green food. With over 60% protein content, Spirulina is the highest, most digestible source of “complete” protein. Spirulina is also the source of several important phytonutrients like Carotenoids; Essential Fatty Acids like Gamma Linolenic Acid; Vitamin B12 - not found in any other green food; trace minerals such as Iron, Magnesium, Calcium and Selenium; Sulpholipids and the antioxidant enzyme Superoxide dismutase (SOD) all of which are in a bio-available form.This ability of being easily digested and assimilated is due to spirulina’s lack of cell wall. Most remarkably spirulina is the highest source for phytopigments like Phycocyanin, Beta-carotene, Zeaxanthin and other plant pigments that define green foods like Chlorophyll, making spirulina the most cost effective of green foods.
The Benefits of Spirulina in today's society are becoming too great not to take notice of as life for many gets busier and busier, a lot of diets are dictated by the time you have available for eating, from the rushed breakfast, to the small break in the working day. This leaves many people sold on convenience foods which can be prepared in an instant way, which are often high in fats, sugars and carbohydrates, and low in protein, natural nutrients and fibre. To receive the supply of nutrients to assist the body to function at optimum levels, larger volumes of nutritionally empty foods are consumed. Convenience foods typically increase bodyfat, raise cholesterol levels, and contribute to digestive and health challenges in later years.
The human digestive system, when bombarded with over-processed fatty foods, doesn't extract enough quality nutrients. The body is continually starving for more nutrients, triggering appetite and compulsive overeating.
The Green Future Diet

You must learn to work with your body, not against it. People are using spirulina as a dietary supplement as part of transforming their health and vitality. Spirulina is a very concentrated natural food. Many are using it as a dietary supplement and a complete food. For those who lead busy lives it is ideal.
Does not need to be chewed, ideal food on the run.
Prepared in seconds
Highly concentrated for easy nutrient absorbtion
High quality protien
As part of a wholesome natural food diet, spirulina can help bring bodyfat back to a healthy level. Many people use it along with a low carbohydrate diet and exercise to achieve their results. Taking a heaping teaspoon of powder (about 5 grams), one hour before meals can help satisfy your body's appetite. It is not an appetite suppressant in any way, and contains no drugs or chemicals that trick the body. It is simply super concentrated, easily digested natural nutrition. With digestion being the largest process occuring in the body the less work the body has to do to extract the nutrients from the food, the more it can spend using them on repair, growth and vital functions. Exactly what the body needs.
For your dose of spirulina, please call Krishnan at 919003176415 or you can also write your enquiries to krissree2002@gmail.com
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